Saturday, November 21, 2015

Well, I'm doing better --- two posts on two consecutive days! Yes, I have another shopping adventure to report, so clearly I am a happy camper. Or shopper.

Received a text last evening from a neighbor who was having a yard sale this morning. She stated that there might be Some Things that I would be interested in. Definitely capital letters when she said "Some Things", so I  hoped that there would be treasure with my name on it. And Eureka, there was.

She was selling the top of an old kitchen cabinet, glass in the doors, old shabby white paint, old aluminum handles. Long ago, someone had painted CHERRIES in the corners. So very cool. It is mine now. I will try to work it into my kitchen eventually, but for now, it is in my booth at Oddballs Antiques. Hoping to will draw people like me who love to peer into cabinets for tiny and interesting items.

I just have to wash it up a bit. Pictures to follow. I also bought a striped glass juice set, green glass candlesticks, a mercury glass candleholder for my Mom, a green Fiesta platter, and salt and pepper shakers. 

Yes, there are terrible things going on in the world, and yes, people need help every day, and I do try to do my part. But spending a little money on something old and bringing pride and pleasure to the person who sold it to me still seems like a worthwhile thing to do. 

PS -- The Putz church above is one of the treasures I bought from my friend referenced in the last  post.

Happy shopping!  

Friday, November 20, 2015

I am SUCH a bad blogger! It has been way too long since I wrote, but I have not had a shopping venture worthy of the ink. Until yesterday...

I need to tell you about my friend Mary Margaret. I met her when we were both selling in a nearby antique mall. She was a down to Earth girl, but the things in her booth were amazing. Quality primitives, old children's items, and tons of gorgeous old Christmas stuff.

One day, she introduced herself and a friendship began. We came in together on days when the shop was closed and worked on our booths. She began to bring in things for me to look at when the shop was closed and we did some great deals this way.

I began to realize that her home must be the Taj Mahal of primitives and the Palace of Mid Century Christmas. Someday, I thought...

But Mary Margaret was clearly independent and also a bit, um, scatterbrained? There was the time when she promised to  bring a bag of antique baby clothes by my house for me to see and purchase. I waited patiently, but she never came. Several hours later, she called and asked if I liked them. I haven't seen the bag, I replied. Turns out, she had left them on the wrong porch. My husband and I canvassed the neighborhood; I was so afraid that someone would  throw them in the garbage. Finally Mary Margaret  remember more details about the house where she had left them, and I finally found them after a stressful 24 hours.

We continued to do deals out of grocery bags in the parking lot. A child's wicker rocker, little girl's dresses, even a fabulous old papier mache jack o lantern.

But she always managed to  find a reason why I couldn't come to her house and shop.

So I was pretty thrilled when she called last week and had changed her mind. I considered driving over right then, but thought that might appear a trifle pushy.

Yesterday, I spent a happy hour in her home and it was worth the wait. Her home was beautiful and as filled with treasures as I had hoped. She enjoyed telling me stories of where she had acquired many of her things, and shared family stories about others. With her dog Angie hanging on every word, she  told me about driving home from North Carolina with a magnificent primitive corner cupboard on the top of her Datsun 240 Z, and showed me the tin belonging to her grandfather which had held her treasures as a girl, including her prized swimming medals.

I actually learned a great deal from her, and thoroughly enjoyed the time. And what do I have to show for it? Booty extraordinaire! Gurley Christmas candles, putz houses, an old Santa from Japan, Shiny Brites, Victorian postcards. Some are for me, some are gifts, and some will show up in my Etsy shops.

But more importantly, we have forged a friendship born of a love for old things which will continue to thrive.

The way to a friend's house is never long...

Thursday, November 5, 2015

WOW! Over 2 weeks without a post, which means, sadly, more than 14 days with no vintage shopping!

It has been a busy time ---  Halloween, getting my dad to some doctor's appointments, and gathering coats for needy kids. That shopping was fun!

Today is a rainy morning in RVA, and it seemed a good time to cover another of my favorite kinds of shopping, and the only kind that I have done lately: internet shopping.

An entirely different feel than searching a dim and dirty basement for treasure, but a treasure hunt nevertheless.

I don't mean buying a tablet from Amazon. I love buying from individuals online, and my favorite  sources are Etsy and Ebay.

Amazing how one can have a personal shopping experience with an individual across the country or the world, but it happens  many many times every day.

The internet has the distinct advantage of global searching; if you are craving a vintage felt elf with a gold suit for under $15, just put it in your search engine and get happy.

In the past week of busy days, I have found time for 2 internet purchases, and both qualify as  successful treasure hunts.

I bought a group of vintage knee hugger elves from ninermont on Ebay. Great seller with fair prices and reasonable shipping.

I also found a fabulous  etsy shop called Red Sled ornaments where a talented artist named Judi makes ornaments starting with images from old Christmas cards and postcards. Really attractive and fair pricing. Her shipping charge is the same for 1 ornament or 5, so  why buy only one?

So, for those of you who don't share my joy in getting your hands dirty while shopping, check out treasures online.

Just not at work...